The Strategic Life Center Presents

“Justice For All Initiatives”

At SLC, it is our mission to “Empower the World for Christ” through community outreach for personal, professional, and spiritual development.

Bishop Dan Garcia-Dixon

Men of Redemption Re-Entry Initiative Teens Impacting Teens The Strategic Life Center Creating the Church of the Future.

GED Tutoring Program Empowerment Zone Global Missions

God First Initiative #Rally for Christ Movement

Contact the ministry office today at

(646) 308-1715, Ext 799

to learn more about ministry activities.

SLC To Host Day of Prayer

for Criminal Justice Reform

On every Wednesday at 6:00 pm
join SLC along with our ministry partners and friends will host a day of prayer for families impacted by incarceration. 0nr such person is Juan Carlos Barragan who is serving a 22-year sentence for a non-violent drug offense.

Call in at 605-472-5620 and use access code: 2670815

After serving 16 years in a federal prison, Juan was recently re- leased on home confinement due to his severe risk factors for corona- virus infection and complications. He is non-violent, a first-time offender, loves the Lord, and left prison with a clean disciplinary record. SLC is now working with Juan to request Clemency from Presi- dent Joe Biden. There are currently roughly 150,000 federal inmates being housed by the FBOP. All citizens deserve to be treated fairly by our Criminal Justice System.

In America, the greatest nation in the World, if you are an African-American male, you could be subjected to a 19/ higher sentence by the Court. It is also widely estimated that 60/ to 90/ of all criminal cases involve indigent defendants. Inmate like Juan Carlos Barragan need our prayers. The church can no longer sit idly by and not address the plight of our brothers and sisters who are incarcerated. Please email to learn more about participating in this worldwide call to prayer for the most vulnerable in our communities.

SLC is also preparing a massive food drive for incarcerated families during the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. We need your financial support to provide turkeys and other food items for families in need. Please send your Ministry Love Gifts to:

Strategic Life Church
PMB 1279
1000 Brickell Avenue, Suite 715
Miami, FL 33131

We can all make a difference together. You can also make a Love

Gift over the phone by calling (646) 308-1715, Ext. 799.

The Carlos Cruz Garcia Family Needs Your Support.

Featured Clemency Inmate

SLC is proud to announce the release of Bishop Dan Garcia-Dixon’s
latest book, “He Never Left: Christ Is Always With You.”

Pre-Orders being taken NOW.

Contact (646) 308-1715, Ext 799 to reserve your copy today.

Introductory price $25.00 (plus $3.95 shipping and handling)

“God’s divine plan and purpose for your life cannot be stopped. I decree an explosion of renewed hope over your life today.”

– Bishop Dan Garcia-Dixon

Chief  Apostle /Founder

From the Desk of Bishop Dan Garcia-Dixon

Message to the People

Everyone faces challenging obstacles at some point in their lives. Yet, the key to overcoming is to ”build back better.” You may be asking yourself how can I do so after experiencing a traumatic loss or personal disappointment. The answer lies within your desire to not give up and to forge ahead with a renewed sense of determination. This will mean rethinking where your life is now headed and by retooling with an energized commitment to becoming a better person, backed with a higher level of expectation than before. I know that it is often difficult to feel confident due to a setback. How- ever, it is during those times that you must remain focused on your desired outcome. A champion faces each day with an assurance that some- thing great is going to happen in their lives. You to can fulfill all your dreams and goals by simply believing that nothing is impossible when you put your dreams and goals by simply believing that nothing is impossible when out your heart and mind into building back better.

Successful People Believe They Can Win”

God created you in His own image. What a powerful place to start in life. It is from this place that you must begin your journey to implementing your success plan. The key for you lies in your ability to believe in yourself when no one else believe you can do it. This requires   a   strong   se1f -awareness   that   will  continually proper you to unleash your inner drive to embrace new horizons .

Now is the time for you to catapult your life into the future you have always wanted. You can do it. Reject anything that seeks to bring mediocrity and failure into your life. You were made for more. I want to encourage you to dream big, realizing that each day brings with it a myriad of new experiences and opportunities. May Christ richly bless and keep you as you walk out your divine destiny.


Please sign-up today to receive our monthly # The Come-Back News- letter by sending your request to:

SLC needs your financial support to continue bringing the gospel message to the World. Please send your Ministry Gift to us at:

SLC 1000 Brickell Avenue,

Suite 715, PMB 1278, Miami, FL 33131.